What languages is Apple Intelligence currently available in?

Apple Intelligence

Apple Intelligence's Current Language Support

As of its initial release on October 28, 2024, Apple Intelligence is only available in U.S. English. This means users need to have their device and Siri language settings configured to U.S. English to access the features. Apple acknowledges this limitation and states that they are "quickly adding support for more languages". 

Apple announces a two-step plan for expanding language support for Apple Intelligence.

In December 2024, Apple Intelligence will become available for localized English in the following countries:

  1. Australia
  2. Canada
  3. Ireland
  4. New Zealand
  5. South Africa
  6. United Kingdom

A subsequent software update in April 2025 will bring expanded language support to include:
  1. Chinese
  2. English (India)
  3. English (Singapore)
  4. French
  5. German
  6. Italian
  7. Japanese
  8. Korean
  9. Portuguese
  10. Spanish
  11. Vietnamese
Apple further announced that it will continue adding support for more languages throughout 2025.

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Gnaneshwar Gaddam
Gnaneshwar Gaddam is a tech enthusiast and product management professional who is passionate about gadgets. He’s dedicated to helping users navigate the latest technology with clear guides and trusted product recommendations, empowering readers to m…

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